italian translation group

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Apr 5 14:01:44 CDT 2005

The plan was to show email addresses of users to other logged-in users. 
So make sure you are logged in to Launchpad, then check out their pages 
and I think it should show you their email addresses.

The very best idea is to create a Team in launchpad, called, for 
example, ubuntu-l10n-it, and to ask your guys to join that team. You 
would be the "owner" of the team, so you can see all the requests for 
membership in the team, and approve those you want.

Bear with us, this is all a little rough around the edges at the moment, 
but it's there and it should work.

Try this url, replaces $USER with your launchpad username:$USER/

Look for the "Create New Team" link on the top right of the page.

matthew.east at wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've been organising an italian translation team, and there are now 
> many members. I wanted to ask how it is possible to coordinate the 
> group, as I am not able to get people's email addresses from Rosetta. 
> Any ideas welcome!
> Thanks, Matt

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