
Quim Gil qgil at
Tue Apr 5 06:42:19 CDT 2005

I've got a long list of possible features for Rosetta. It was done a 
couple of months ago and maybe some of the points are already 
accomplished or simply out of the current plans. Do you want me to put 
it in the wiki anyway?

The major structural problems I see in Rosetta are:

- Relation between upstream and other spaces of translation: this is 
being discussed regularly. Hopefully we are going o find the perfect 
solution, otherwise Rosetta may be perceived as intrusive and more a 
nuisance than a help by the current organized translation teams.

- Permissions, revisions, CVS, hierarchy of translators: this is also 
being discussed. If this doesn't work probably Rosetta won't work 
efficiently, so even the convinced translators will stop using it and 
going back to their previous routines, leaving Rosetta as an internal 
tool to develop Ubuntu.

- Language-centered design. I'm not sure whether this has been discussed 
here. Currently Rosetta has only an application-centered design: you 
select an application and you can see in how many languages is being 
translated, in which percentages and so on. While this is useful for 
tool and distro developers, the translators themselves use to work from 
a language perspective: I'm a Catalan translator, I participate in a 
common effort to translate software into Catalan and I will help where 
help is needed. Today there is no way to see the state of the 
translation in a single language, you need to go package by package. 
Having a language-centered design, compatible to the current 
app-centered, it will be easier to find missing translations and to 
concentrate where more effort needs to be concentrated.

Considering that generally the big translation projects are done by 
organized teams specializing in one language, I think the 
language-centered design is something key for the success of Rosetta.


matthew.east at wrote:
> Hi docteam/rosettateam
> After a productive discussion in irc today, Carlos suggested compiling 
> an email for what needs to be looked at re: Docteam/Rosetta interaction, 
> to be discussed at UbuntuDownUnder, especially since most of the Docteam 
> will not be present there.
> Similarly, in a few emails on the Rosetta list, Daffyd suggested 
> emailing with suggestions for improvements to be made to Rosetta.
> I suggest a wiki page for these things: it is more flexible and we can 
> amend/comment on each other's thoughts as we go along. I've created one at:
> Hope this catches on!
> thanks for your attention/ideas/feedback
> Matt

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