Rosetta and Plone

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Tue Dec 21 03:20:56 CST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 18:21 +0100, Godefroid Chapelle wrote:
> Hi all,


> I have registered a first Plone project as a test before pushing Rosetta 
>   among the Plone community.


> I must say I am really pleased finding alive something I thought was 
> needed for a long time !

Thank yo.

> Thanks.
> Now for a comment as usual ;-)
> Plone has specific metadata in the header of .po files.
> The domain "metadata" is used by PlacelessTranslationService as a 
> namespace specifier.
> We already had the problem with poEdit : it would discard the header 
> when saving.
> Would it be possible to output to .po files any unknown header found in 
> the .pot file ?

Yes, it's possible but it's not implemented at the moment.

We have added it to our TODO list, thank you for the suggestion.

> Questions:
> What is the Location widget meant for ? Which data is it trying to show ?
> It should not be displayed when empty.

Are you talking about the the box over the "Your browser languages"?

That shows you the list of languages we know that are spoken in your
country, if it's empty I suppose it's because geoip does not know which
one is your country, could you show us a screenshot and your IP address?

> Is there a URL where I can, as maintainer, get a report about all 
> translations done ?

You are able to see the list of pofiles a product has at:

You are able to reach that link from the link "See template details..."
that you have after the report about your languages.

> Great thanks : while writing this mail, I see there is already someone 
> that is translating the package to Dutch. Real collaboration for .po 
> files ! Waow !

Yeah, it's amazing.


> -- 
> Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha)      
Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu Warty (PowerPC)  =>
Linux Registered User #121232
mailto:carlos at || mailto:carlos at
Valencia - Spain
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