Ubuntu Membership Application and Meetings
Emmet Hikory
persia at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 29 07:03:56 GMT 2009
Rodney Dawes wrote:
> I talked with dholbach a bit, an agreed to mail the list, as there's no
> official MOTU Council meeting this month. My application [1] is pretty
> straight forward, as is my experience with packaging for various
> distributions, including the work I've done for Ubuntu over the past
> year.
With no responses yet to your application, I'd suggest that you
may benefit from signing up for the meeting on the 8th or the 22nd of
January. We'd like to think we can still process applications by
email, but we've lost the habit, and so your application may not be
considered in as timely a manner as you would prefer by email alone.
After an inital review of your application, I've a few questions,
as follows:
1) Your application has only a single endorsement. Are there others
with whom you have worked within the Ubuntu development community?
Have you asked them to endorse your application? If so, are there any
outstanding items they thought you should address prior to receiving
their endorsement?
2) I like your committment to centralising the various development
support tools. Have you made any progress with this in the past two
months? If so, what? If not, why?
3) The majority of the packages you mention in your application and
those for which you are credited with upload by launchpad appear to
currently be in main, and moreso, part of the Ubuntu Desktop
dependencies. Have you considered an application to become an Ubuntu
Desktop Developer, rather than a MOTU?
4) What area of MOTU work interests you most strongly?
5) Your endorser mentions that there were some initial issues with the
initial packaging of some of the packages you now maintain. Could you
share your thoughts on what changes could be made to reduce the chance
of others encountering the same issues?
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