New Ubuntu Core Developer: Alberto Milone (tseliot)

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Dec 22 16:08:36 GMT 2009

Hello Alberto,

Daniel Holbach [2009-11-26 19:09 +0100]:
> Hello everybody,
> the MOTU Council unanimously recommends Alberto Milone for core-dev. His 
> great work on X and friends and close interaction with upstream made it 
> easy for us.
> Application:
> IRC Log:
> Votes in favour: Michael Bienia, Jonathan Davies, Nathan Handler,
>                    Daniel Holbach, Richard Johnson.

The Developer Membership Board voted about your application today, and
unanimously voted in favor of your application.

Welcome to the core-dev team, and thanks for your great work!

p.p. Ubuntu DMB
Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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