Ubuntu Membership Application and Meetings

Rodney Dawes rodney.dawes at canonical.com
Mon Dec 21 20:43:14 GMT 2009

Hi All!

Last month, just before UDS, I had put myself on the meeting agenda for
the first meeting of the month, and wasn't able to make it, since I
didn't realize at the time, it was going to be 2 AM here. :)

The second meeting in November was during the Thanksgiving holiday in
the US, so I was also not able to attend it. And it appears there is no
meeting scheduled for December, due to the holidays, as well.

I talked with dholbach a bit, an agreed to mail the list, as there's no
official MOTU Council meeting this month. My application [1] is pretty
straight forward, as is my experience with packaging for various
distributions, including the work I've done for Ubuntu over the past

Thanks all, and please let me know if there's anything else I can do to
help move this along. I wish everyone a good holiday.

-- Rodney

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RodneyDawes/DeveloperApplication

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