MOTU application for Michael Casadevall (NCommander/sonicmctails)

Richard Johnson nixternal at
Wed Oct 22 21:46:23 BST 2008

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 04:47:50PM -0400, Michael Casadevall wrote:


> I'm writing today apply for MOTU status in Ubuntu. I've been highly
> active during the intrepid release cycle, working to help resolve and
> fix many bugs, as well as build stronger ties with Debian by merging
> patches from Ubuntu when appropriate. I have been urged by my sponsors
> to apply for some time, and finally worked up the nerve to face the
> possibility of rejection.

I have gone through everything on your LP and Wiki pages as well as
grepped my IRC logs checking for some certain things that I like to see
in a MOTU candidate. I am happy to see you have obviously passed them
all, including my simple "work through a complete development cycle
prior to applying." I have seen you work quite a bit helping out the
Kubuntu guys and I have been impressed. I wish I wouldn't have been so
busy with personal life this release cycle so I could have had the
privilege of working along side of you.

With that said, I am happy to offer a +1 at this time. Great job and
keep it up! 

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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