Is MOTU a requirement for core-dev?

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Tue Dec 11 11:32:30 GMT 2007

On Dec 11, 2007 8:07 PM, Soren Hansen <soren at> wrote:
> +1 for becoming MOTU. Even though most (all?) of the packages relevant
> to you are in main, becoming MOTU is the first natural step on the way
> to core-dev.

    Not that it impacts Till's application in any way, but why is MOTU
the first natural step on the way to core-dev?  I acknowledge that
core-dev has upload rights to all of universe, so members of core-dev
should preferably be familiar with MOTU processes, but I don't
understand why someone with a declared intention to work exclusively
on specific packages in Main must first be MOTU: this seems an
unnecessary step, as it does not allow the developer in question any
additional rights regarding the packages they maintain, and may not be
representative of an intent to assist in the maintenance of Universe.

    Further, does any member of the MOTU Council expect that the
granting of MOTU will result in additional uploads to universe, or
have any result other than immediate reapplication for core-dev?

    Note that I do believe that first becoming MOTU is the easiest way
to demonstrate the skills appropriate to being approved for core-dev
membership, but this would be through the successful maintenance of
packages in universe and participation in the universe packaging
community.  In a case where there is no stated intention to work on
universe packages or participate in the universe packaging community,
I simply don't see the point (although I suggest the criteria for
approval should be as strict as for any MOTU applying for core-dev,
and that this may require greater burden of proof regarding the
suitabilty of the work when there is no activity in universe by which
to judge the candidate).


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