Suggestion: clarify on the wiki that Mir/XMir testing might imply some risks.

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at
Sat Aug 24 03:16:23 UTC 2013


Any documentation which asks you to use any PPA should also come with a 
warning: "This may break your system and you need to be knowledgeable 
enough to fix it if that happens."

Though, Mir no longer requires PPAs.

One could also argue such warnings should be in place for anyone who 
installs a pre-release of Ubuntu. I think it would make sense... We get 
a lot of bugs from people testing pre-release code but don't know how to 
recover from problems when they find them.

Thirdly, yes, if you need to follow any instructions from a Wiki to 
install something then that probably also indicates it's not ready for 
prime time and should have warnings.

I agree we need more warnings, in multiple places.

- Daniel

On 24/08/13 01:12, Mario Rugiero wrote:
> Hi, my name is Mario Rugiero, I've been following the mail list since
> one or two months ago, I think.
> As the subject says, I think it would be wise to put a statement about
> testing Mir/XMir right now, since Ubuntu is also aimed to common folks
> that might not know software in development might contain bugs of
> varying severity.
> What I thought was just adding on the main Mir page such fact, and
> pointing to the bug tracker (I see there is a link on the page, but it
> only suggests to file the ones they find, not to check for which bugs
> are already known) so novice testers may know which kind of things to
> expect, and make and informed decision. Just an idea.
> Thanks for your time.
> Mario.

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