[lubuntu-users] On Lubuntu 18.04, is a 32-bit /home compatible with a 64-bit home? (Aere Greenway)

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 14:15:28 UTC 2018


> I first tried Lubuntu 18.04 32-bit, which I got working for the most
> part.  My Kindle reader did not work after restoring everything.  But
> more critical to me, is the fact that the Eclipse development
> environment crashes during initialization, and won't initialize.
> It looks like I'll just have to keep using the systems on the old drive
> until the drive fails.
> So much for trying to get ahead of the problem...
> --
> Sincerely,
> Aere


It's all part of the "game" . . . one thing I have learned over the years
is that in linux "things do change" and often times fairly quickly and
other often times based upon packages installed the updater will seemingly
find stuff and update them . . . and things then "work" . . . .

Certainly there are apps and/or packages that are "incompatible" . . . but
18.04 is LTS rather than flavor of the month . . . .  I've been finding Lu
Next as a viable option . . . maybe try fiddling with that, on the new
drive??  Life always involves compromise and flexibility . . . .  : - )

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