[lubuntu-users] Lubuntu Bug Day Ubuntu On Air Session at 19:00 UTC

scrooyahoo at riseup.net scrooyahoo at riseup.net
Tue Jul 26 21:05:35 UTC 2016

i'm not insisting on anonimity, but being treated as a criminal when you 
have done nothing wrong that is invading my privacy.

also i do see it from your point of view and i can agree to some extend. 
But since privacy is not respected by default, Then people who care 
about privacy feel forced to use something like TOR by default to 
get/TAKE privacy. (how do you say this in english?)

I joined the mailing list with my regular yahoo email address with my 
normal name but I used the webmail while using tor.
thats where it started, and now i also got bugged with captchas and 
that's where i had enough of it. Emotions got the better of me? Or maybe 

anyhow, mu yahoo mail ended up in spam, thats why i went for a new mail 
account (thisone, because i was very annoyed at yahoo for wasting my 

If yahoo had not done this then i would most likely be still using this 
list form my other account.

So who is to blame?  Yahoo i guess?

I hope that i didn't make enemies here by raising some ethical issues i 
just has a few technical questions and if i can help others then i'm 
also prepared to help.

So you consider TOR to be of questionable legality?
But how legal is A capthcha system then? That sends a certain amount of 
packets and probes several PC related details to snoop out a users 
identity. Is it concidered to be legal to do that?  When i see someone 
walk on the street and grab the persons wallet and ID to randomly probe 
a persons identity then I GET ARRESTED.

But holy Google may do so all over the planet??

I said i would stop this discussion, any followups i will answer, but 

I got a bit carried away here. Though i'm sure my argumenst are strong 
enough in privacy vs anonimity. I do not need anonimity, but privacy 
should be a default service, and if that's not the case then people 
resort to anonimity. Don't blame them, it's not their fault, it's for 
them the only option left to get privacy. I don't know ANY alternative 
that gives me real privacy.

I do not want to offend anyone and don't think my nettiquette are bad, 
some phrases may eventually be bad english but thats most likely because 
im not a native english speaker and learned my english from american 
action movies.

On 2016-07-26 21:51, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 26 July 2016 at 17:50,  <scrooyahoo at riseup.net> wrote:
>> its backwards annoing and disrespects my privacy.
> As a counter-argument, I'd argue that you are disrespecting us & the
> other members of the (L)Ubuntu community by insisting on anonymity.
> Anonymity is not privacy, nor is privacy equivalent to anonymity.
> You join this mailing list and apparently expect to receive help and
> support and you do not even have the manners to give your name.
> As a parallel: if I was hosting a party, and someone came with a mask
> on and refused to give their name, I would not welcome them. I'd throw
> them out for their extreme rudeness.
> A mailing list is no different.
> As a general rule, whereas I frequent many mailing lists and a few
> newsgroups, I generally will not help people using visibly false
> names. I consider it poor manners.
> You are complaining about a service of questionable legality being
> blocked by an external service that is nothing to do with Ubuntu. This
> is the wrong place to complain about it, we are the wrong people, and
> I suggest you consider how your netiquette compares to basic
> real-world manners and civility.
> --
> Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
> Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
> MSN: lproven at hotmail.com • Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
> Cell/Mobiles: +44 7939-087884 (UK) • +420 702 829 053 (ČR)

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