Another question-- Window compositing in Lubuntu 14.04

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at
Tue Jul 14 14:16:06 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Israel <israeldahl at> wrote:

> In other words the OGs from compton stay in their hood while the OGs from
> XFCE stay in theirs... and things can get messed up if you try to bring
> compton to XFCE.


OK, I can be down wit dat . . . it seemed like you were saying that the log
out ****should*** be keepin' the homies in the their turf . . . for the
most part.  But, if for some reason things seem to be going gangsta . . .
then just re-starting lightdm should make things "normal" between the crips
and the bloods????  (I don't know which one is more like XFCE or which is
like LXDE, . . . blue? red??)  : - )

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