Lubuntu + MATE? Compatible? or issues?

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sun Apr 12 05:47:40 UTC 2015

Den 2015-04-12 04:53, Aere Greenway skrev:
> On 04/11/2015 05:46 PM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>> Over in my MBPro I've had numerous LM versions and out of a fair
>> number of installs the MATE flavors have been the most stable, so I
>> went for it on this one . . . I'd be a little happier if it was just
>> the MATE DE part that imploded, but it seems to have reached over to
>> the Ubuntu part and trying to stack a new DE on top didn't get it
>> passed the problems.  I'm going to boot up the Lu 14 desktop and give
>> it a test . . . might fiddle with a "netboot" installer while I'm at
>> it . . . the installs don't take too long; it's getting all the
>> details arranged that takes the time . . . wifi . . . browsers . . .
>> sound . . . .  Big sucking sound on time spent when the system breaks
>> . . . .
> Fritz:
> I kind-of know the feeling.
> I have a 450-megahertz machine I keep running for minimum-system
> testing, and (for that reason) it's very useful that I have it.  But
> every install (or update) takes such a long time, that I wouldn't
> actually use such a machine in real-life.

A big +1

from Nio

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