Roadmap proposal for Lubuntu 15.04

Julien Lavergne gilir at
Tue Oct 28 15:11:48 UTC 2014


Since we have more people involved in the development of Lubuntu, and
more people are interesting to join, I would like to recreate the
blueprints we had some releases ago to organize the work for this
cycle. You can find them under

The main question is the switch or not to Qt with LXQt. Sorry to
disappoint you, but I don't have an answer now :-)

On the Qt side, LXQt is usable, and it's progressing nicely. But it's
far from being a complete desktop. Also, on some points, it's far for
being feature complete with the gtk part (the panel and the file
manager are 2 good examples). I also made a prototype recently, and it
shows that there is a lot of work to make it suitable for average

On the Gtk side, many components have been updated recently, and work
continue on the panel. Also, small features are added. However, we
still depends on gtk2, we don't know how long it will be supported.

As the answer is not obvious, I created 2 blueprints for both sides.
The idea is to keep maintaining the Gtk part (with consist on bug
fixes, sync and merging packages from debian). I think the workload is
minimum to keep the gtk side in good shape. However, we can start to
estimate the work we have to do for the Qt side, and start to work on
it. Alpha images can be generated using the same way I done it, based
on the daily PPA, or on the official repositories, to have an idea of
the result of a Qt port.

All the blueprints are under
(see at the bottom of the blueprint for the ones you want to comment /
modify), feel free to add your comment or the work items you think we
have to do (I'll do the moderator on them). If others teams want to
work like this, I can help to setup the blueprint. If several people
are interesting, we can have 1 or several meetings, on IRC or using
the UOS support to discuss all of this.

Any comments are welcome, thanks in advance :-)

Julien Lavergne

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