Display Serious Issue with Lubuntu
Ali Linx
ali.linux at amjjawad.net
Sat May 10 11:53:21 UTC 2014
On 05/10/2014 12:08 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> Ali, and all:
Hi Aere and everyone,
> I tried running Xubuntu (from a USB stick) on my HP Mini (which I
> think has an 11-inch wide screen - I didn't actually measure it).
Thanks a lot for your reply and for your tests :)
> As far as I can tell, it behaved the same as Lubuntu.
> The screen resolution on this machine is 1024 x 576, which is lacking
> in the vertical dimension.
On my Samsung Notebook 11" display, the resolution was: 1024x600 on both
Xubuntu 14.04 LTS LiveUSB and Lubuntu 14.04 LTS that is installed on
that machine.
> In booting Xubuntu from the USB stick, when the window appeared giving
> you the choice to either try Xubuntu (or install Xubuntu), that window
> was too 'tall' for the screen, and the bottom was cut-off. It was not
> resized to fit.
My LiveUSB is made by UNetbootin and the menu wasn't cut-off in my case
and everything was okay.
> After booting, I checked the system settings, and the display size
> options were 1024 x 576 (the maximum), or a lesser resolution (which
> would have cut-off things even more drastically).
> When I ran my application, the bottom portion of the main window was
> cut-off (the same as with Lubuntu). My system requirements state that
> it needs a minimum vertical dimension of 670 pixels, and 576 is not
> enough for it.
Maybe I didn't run enough application?
Would you please tell me what applications you tested?
> As with Lubuntu, I could hold down the Alt-key, then click (and
> hold-down) the left track-pad button (anywhere in the window - not
> just on the title-bar), and drag the window upwards until the lower
> right corner was exposed.
> Then (as with Lubuntu), I was able to drag the lower-right corner
> upward and to the left. This allowed me to reduce the dimensions of
> the window from its 'preferred' dimensions, to its 'minimum'
> dimensions, but no farther.
Yes, I can resize that - not sure I explained that? - but not all the
application allows you to do so. Some applications/tools by default, are
drawn in a way that none of the edges or borders are cut-off so I can
read exactly everything without resizing and sometimes with resizing.
However, some applications/tools don't actually allow you to do that or
these do but to a certain point where you can't go further and after
all, it is useless and you still miss the bottom part.
> If my application allowed it to be re-sized smaller than the minimum
> size, important controls would no longer appear within the window's
> panels. That's why there is a minimum size the application can specify.
> There was nothing in Xubuntu that scaled the entire window to fit
> within the screen. If there is something you can do to make this
> happen, please let me know (because I am not aware of it).
What about maximize? not 100% sure what you mean? sorry!
> As far as I can tell, Xubuntu behaves the same as Lubuntu.
Maybe I didn't test enough. For me, they are not the same.
> - Aere
Thank you again :)
Again, I'm asking :) yet no answer :)
Against which package should I report this?
Perhaps this is a general issue with Ubuntu not related to Lubuntu only?!
> On 05/09/2014 10:36 AM, Ali Linx wrote:
>> On 04/28/2014 09:56 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>>> On 04/28/2014 10:03 AM, Ali Linx wrote:
>>>> I'm afraid that didn't change the fact the window is huge compared
>>>> to the size of the display which is really really pain and as I
>>>> explained, while I can live with, the newcomers I'm converting to
>>>> GNU/Linux using Lubuntu will not be happy at all.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> P.S.
>>>> There should be nothing to be pressed by default. Logically, the
>>>> window should be auto adjusted to the size of the display. I have
>>>> no idea why Lubuntu can't do that?!
>>> Ali:
>> Hello Aere and everyone :)
>>> Be aware that the application has control over the preferred,
>>> maximum, and minimum dimensions of the application window. In
>>> resizing a window, it will not allow you to re-size it smaller than
>>> the minimum screen dimensions.
>> I'm not 100% sure yet that you and others understand what I'm talking
>> about - maybe a screenshot? or that is not needed? :D
>> Thanks a lot, I'm aware of this but the problem is, I just can't see
>> the bottom of any big window because I can't resize it to the point I
>> can actually see the whole window.
>>> Often, developers (having fast machines, and large-screen monitors),
>>> forget to think of users with less-capable machines, and small
>>> monitors.
>> If that is true and if you want my honest opinion, this would be
>> seriously bad :D
>> I mean, if they expect to present the best software, they 'should'
>> think of each and every possible case. To me, it seems they have
>> totally forgotten about the notebook with 11" inch screen :/
>>> If the application (perhaps from lack of thinking by the developer)
>>> sets a minimum size which won't fit on a netbook screen, the
>>> application just can't be used on such a netbook unless they have
>>> another monitor they can connect it to, that meets the window
>>> dimension requirements.
>> If this is true, this is really really bad and if Julien does not
>> share a word in this regards, a side from reporting a bug, I should
>> stop using Lubuntu when I convert people ... I guess I will use
>> Xubuntu even though that would be a slower machine (a bit) - I don't
>> think Xubuntu is so slow anyway, I love it.
>>> I am not aware of an operating system being able to scale an
>>> application window to fit a screen (though my not being aware of it
>>> doesn't mean it doesn't exist).
>> My dear friend, this should be a 'basic' and 'default' feature in
>> each and every system. I'm still stunned that Lubuntu fail to do it :(
>>> An example of this I am familiar with, it that my main application
>>> window will not fit on the netbook's screen. The minimum system
>>> requirements I have, clearly state the screen dimensions required,
>>> and the netbook's screen doesn't quite conform in the vertical
>>> dimension.
>>> Yet, I can use that application on the netbook, by using the
>>> Alt-drag trick, positioning the window so that all of the important
>>> controls are visible. On Windows (on that same machine), I can't
>>> use my application at all, because I can only reposition the window
>>> by clicking and dragging on the title-bar.
>> With MS Windows, IIRC, each time you change the resolution of the
>> screen, the applications/windows will be smaller as well. With
>> Lubuntu, it seems different case.
>> I haven't tested Xubuntu for example on that machine. Not sure if I
>> have time to do that but I guess I can always run it from the LiveUSB
>> and test it.
>> @Everyone
>> Any idea against what package should I report this? because it seems
>> emails are useless and the best way after all is to report a bug ;)
>> Thank you!
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