[Lubuntu-comms] Wiki Editing / meeting

Phill Whiteside phillw at vpolink.com
Sat Mar 29 13:43:40 UTC 2014

Hi Nio,

Sergio has been busy with real life (it happens). One of the pluss's of
having sub-teams is that they can discuss things without people who have no
interest being 'spammed' with heart felt discussions :) The minus side is
that if you are not on that mailing list, you have no idea as to if a
sub-team is actively discussing things, or not.

The last email that was sent out to general group from wiki team was for
people to proof read the +1 pages that Sergio has prepared. Also noted have
been  the results of things like OBI as to what resources it needs to
install etc.

The edits you have been made have not been deleted, they are still there :)
I apologise as it seems my phrasing was not what it should have been. you
are, indeed, a valued and hard working member of lubuntu.



On 29 March 2014 11:21, Ali Linx <ali.linux at amjjawad.net> wrote:

> On 03/29/2014 11:24 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> Hi Phill and everybody else,
> Hello Nio,
>> 1. I'm very sorry to have made you upset.
>> 2. I will not push this issue, but stay back and let other people manage
>> the Lubuntu wiki pages.
>> 3. But I want to explain why I did what I did:
>> Initiated by you Phill, I checked what was minimum RAM for Trusty. I
>> sent that report to the Lubuntu community (as an email).
>> There was a discussion, that focused not so much about the test result,
>> but on what should be changed in the wiki page paragraph about system
>> requirements.
>> There was no sign of life from you Phill, or from IberÄ™ or from Sergio,
>> and the discussion ended, and I thought it meant that people were happy
>> with the 'second wording'.
>> So I edited that into the wiki page and made a sub-page, according to
>> suggestions during the discussion.
> IMHO, what you have done is not really a disaster as it has been
> explained. The lack of communication, as always, is the major serious issue
> that Lubuntu Community lacks and needs. I couldn't tell clearly unless I
> joined other communities and saw by my very eyes how things is happening on
> the other side of the world :)
> You have done a great job. Let me tell you something, you're the type of
> contributor that Lubuntu seriously need. I do appreciate each and
> everything you have done to Lubuntu, Ubuntu and FOSS. I admire your work.
> Excellent job and please keep that up. This is my personal opinion.
> Now, the only problem IMHO was being a bit in hurry to edit the page. If
> Lubuntu operates in the way of Team Leaders must approve before anything
> else then you have done everything you could. What you needed to do is
> waiting for someone to say "Okay" or "Approved". Since this community sadly
> lacks this approach, you wanted to be extra helpful and have done
> everything yourself. This is what happened in my eyes.
> This is what I have been doing mostly in two years with Lubuntu, sometimes
> at least. Ironically, Phill himself was always saying : "Don't ask, DO!".
> So, I'm not sure what is wrong?!
> You have done everything and IF and ONLY IF Wiki Pages of Lubuntu must be
> edited by ONE and ONLY person, that is the TL of the Wiki area, then maybe
> that is the only mistake you did by doing someone's else job which is not a
> disaster IMHO.
> This is how I see the situation.
>> Once again, I'm very sorry to have made you upset and will stay away
>> from the Lubuntu wiki pages.
> While I know you're so nice and friendly and I admire that, I disagree
> with you here. I can't force you of course to help on that area but I'd
> rather suggest to discuss with the rest of the team and please, don't stay
> away from the Wiki pages.
> What Phill may have forgotten is: The Whole Wiki of Ubuntu and the flavors
> need A LOT of help and love. That is a solid fact everyone who is truly
> involved with Ubuntu and its flavors should know it. We need more people to
> help. Editing a Wiki Page is a piece of cake. Keeping that page up-to-date
> is a huge work that not everyone can do it. You're one of those who can do
> that. We don't want to lose you. Please!
>> Best regards
>> Nio
> Thank you!
>> 2014-03-29 03:09, Phill Whiteside skrev:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> it seams to have missed people's minds that anything other a correction
>>> of syntax or a link that has expired has to be checked with the TL for
>>> the wiki area.
>>> There are test areas about and our current guy has spent hours prepping
>>> up for 14.04.
>>> To clear things, he will be attending #lubuntu-offtopic as part of a
>>> meeting that will be registered and logged. At that point you can ask
>>> him about the work that is being done by that team to have all the wiki
>>> ready for 14.04.
>>> This may be a useful session for people who have been making a mess of
>>> the wiki 13.10 instead of the 14.04 pages to attend.
>>> There is a very good reason we have a TL for wiki... Major changes go
>>> through that person and when in doubt that person can check with our
>>> head of dev.
>>> 14:00 UTC 30th March on #lubuntu-offtopic
>>> I expect all of you who have discussing lay out etc. to attend.
>>> Regards,
>>> personal secretary to Sergio,
>>> Phill.
>>> --
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw

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