[Lubuntu-qa] Minimum and recommended RAM to install Lubuntu Trusty
Ali Linx
ali.linux at amjjawad.net
Sat Mar 29 11:08:39 UTC 2014
On 03/29/2014 03:58 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi all,
Hi Phill,
> you may have noted that I have been quiet on this subject...
> Two reasons...
> 1) I have my ideas and results
> For Wiki, changes are made to sandbox areas.. This is the Gold
> standard of wiki editing. You are that busy arguing like school kids
> about things that you have forgotten some things.... all changes to
> live pages are made as sandbox.
> 2) I am not the Team Leader of lubuntu wiki any more.
> 2.1) Anyone wishing to make such MAJOR changes to our front line pages
> makes a test page 1st. You do NOT ever go edit a live page.
> Get in touch with the team leader for wiki. Do not argue out stuff
> amongst yourselves and then edit the wiki areas.... How DARE you.
> You would never, ever, have dared do it when I was TL for wiki - I can
> assure you, you will not do it with the new TL.
> If you wish to put up for a vote who replaces sergio after 14.04 is
> released, you may hold a vote. Until that time, he is boss and you do
> NOT go editing live pages.
Is this your way to promote for FOSS/Ubuntu Spirit among a community
such as Lubuntu? the community that you used to put so much effort on
and still? well, if you accept an advice or a feedback from a true
friend and a former member of this community, I'm sorry but you're very
wrong and I highly disagree with the email that you sent. I will not
remind you of the CoC because I am sure you do know it. I don't really
need to remind you of the 'Team Leader Talk' as you hate titles with
passion as you always stated. I don't need to tell you that what you
have done will push people away from the Wiki Pages which need a lot of
care and perhaps the whole community as well.
While I am one of those who truly know your good intention, I on the
other hand, disagree with your email.
A Team Leader is not untouchable person as you made it looks like that.
Above all, anyone with a Launchpad account can edit the Wiki Pages.
Yes, a healthy discussions on a mailing list must take a place. That's
done. However, people who are directly involved, as usual, were silent.
Yes, pages should not be edited right away - I agree with that - but
your approach, my good friend, is wrong IMHO.
Sergio is my friend and he's very nice guy. He needs all the support
from everyone. This is not the right way to support him IMHO nor the
correct way to help Lubuntu.
You guys may have a look at my team. I'm the founder of Ubuntu GNOME
Sub-Teams. I'm the Team Leader of Ubuntu GNOME Wiki and Docs Team. We're
3 people working on that area and I can assure you, we're communicating
in a highly professional and healthy way. If my team did a mistake, I
don't shout nor be angry at them, they are 'volunteers' and I must
respect their time and effort. I approach them nicely and ask them to
fix what is broken.
Have a look at our public archive so that everyone here can have an idea
what is the real difference between Lubuntu Community and others.
You guys seem to disagree more than anything else. Yes, that is not bad
but sometimes, too much is too bad and I'm now one of those who will
seriously think more than once before sending any more suggestion to
this list :)
You guys need help but when someone helps you, well, no comment.
I do hope you guys know what you're doing. Good luck!
I have million of things to worry about but because you are all my
friends, I'm here. However, if such emails will remain, I'm afraid I
will remove myself so that I stay away from unneeded stress.
> Phill.
Last advice, my good friend and mentor which is from your mouth: Take it
easy and whenever you're under stress (I know that), I'd prefer to stay
away from the keyboard.
I woke up today with red eyes and broken body. I didn't touch the
keyboard until now because I have to reply and remind you about the
basics. Now, I'm off again :)
Don't get me wrong here, Phill. You know I'm one of those who understand
you a lot and as a true friend, I must advise when I really have to.
Hope you appreciate that.
> On 28 March 2014 11:28, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
> <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Please have a look at the new text at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements
> I hope it will be a good compromise to make you happy. Of course I am
> willing to change things, anything from bad information, bad layout to
> typing errors.
> Please check also the sub-page
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods
> and give the corresponding feedback!
> Best regards
> Nio
> 2014-03-27 20:30, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> > A shorter alternative for the Lubuntu Wiki page paragraph 'System
> > Requirements'. This assumes that more information is easily
> available at
> > a sub-page 'Advanced methods' (or a similar name, that should
> keep the
> > beginners away).
> >
> > -----
> > System Requirements
> >
> > Lubuntu is a good operating system for many old computers, but
> not for
> > all of them. Some computers have too little horsepower or
> memory. A rule
> > of thumb is that the computer should not be more than 10 years old.
> >
> >
> > Memory (RAM)
> >
> > For advanced internet services like Google+, Youtube, Google
> Docs and
> > Facebook, your computer needs at least 1 GB RAM.
> >
> > For local programs like Libre Office and simple browsing habits,
> your
> > computer needs at least 512 MB RAM.
> >
> >
> > Processor (CPU)
> >
> > The minimum specification for CPU is Pentium 4 or Pentium M or
> AMD K8.
> > Older processors are too slow and AMD K7 has problems with flash
> video.
> >
> >
> > Graphics chip / card
> >
> > Nvidia, AMD/ATI/Radeon and Intel work out of the box, or the
> system can
> > be tweaked to work fairly easily. You can get help at the Ubuntu
> Forums.
> > With such graphics, or if you don't know, try Lubuntu 14.04 LTS.
> >
> >
> > Installer
> >
> > The desktop installer works in most cases. If you have problems, for
> > example with the graphics, try the alternate installer.
> >
> >
> > Advanced methods
> >
> > If you have an older or less powerful system, and you are ready for
> > advanced methods, read the tips at this page.
> > -----
> > (Suggestions for the wiki page 'Advanced methods' is not written
> yet)
> >
> >
> > Best regards
> > Nio
> >
> > 2014-03-27 16:51, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> >> Based on the feedback from several of you, I suggest the
> following text
> >> for the Lubuntu Wiki page paragraph 'System Requirements'
> >>
> >> -----
> >> text for the Lubuntu wiki page for Lubuntu 14.04 LTS
> >>
> >>
> >> System Requirements
> >>
> >> Lubuntu is a good operating system for many old computers, but
> not for
> >> all of them. Some computers have too little horsepower or
> memory. A rule
> >> of thumb is that the computer should not be more than 10 years old.
> >>
> >>
> >> Memory (RAM)
> >>
> >> If you plan to use advanced internet services like Google+,
> Youtube,
> >> Google Docs and Facebook, your computer needs at least 1 GB
> RAM, but
> >> 2 GB RAM makes the computer work better.
> >>
> >> If you plan to use local programs like Libre Office (for word
> >> processing,spreadsheet calculations and presentations) and
> Thunderbird
> >> for email, and seldom browse to web pages with a lot of
> graphics and
> >> animations, your computer needs 512 MB RAM, but 768 MB or 1 GB
> RAM makes
> >> it work significantly better.
> >>
> >>
> >> Processor (CPU)
> >>
> >> The minimum specification for CPU is Pentium 4 or Pentium M or
> AMD K8.
> >> Older processors are too slow and AMD K7 has problems with
> flash video.
> >>
> >> VIA C7 might run with Xubuntu 12.04 LTS or Bento, Bodhi, LXLE.
> >>
> >>
> >> Graphics chip / card
> >>
> >> Nvidia, AMD/ATI/Radeon and Intel work out of the box, or the
> system can
> >> be tweaked to work fairly easily. You can get help at the
> Ubuntu Forums.
> >> With such graphics, or if you don't know, try Lubuntu 14.04 LTS.
> >>
> >> SIS grahics should be run with flavours or re-spins of Ubuntu
> 12.04 LTS,
> >> for example Bento, Bodhi, LXLE.
> >>
> >>
> >> Installer
> >>
> >> The desktop installer works in most cases. If you have
> problems, for
> >> example with the graphics, try the alternate installer.
> >>
> >>
> >> Advanced methods
> >>
> >> If you have an older or less powerful system, and you are ready for
> >> advanced methods, read the tips at this page.
> >> -----
> >> (Suggestions for the wiki page 'Advanced methods' is not
> written yet)
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >> Nio
> >>
> >
> --
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw
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