Lubuntu : One month later

Florian Coste fcoste21 at
Wed Dec 3 20:30:13 UTC 2014

Hi SilverLion,

In fact, it's just a suggestion. I know that many people recommend the LTS
version for beginners. In the french unbutu website, after some discuss, we
had put foward the LTS version Ubuntu 14.04 for beginners. (If you're not a
beginner, I presume that you know which version is better for you). I know
that in official ubuntu web site, the 14.10 version is put foward also, but
I wondering if it would be great to put foward the LTS version of Lubuntu.

I know that it's a choice to do. But in Lubuntu web site, if you click on
first donwload links you'll donwload the 14.10 version. I think it's a
little bit tricky, don't you think ?

As sometimes advanced users advice to use the LTS version, I think the web
site should retransmit this message (if it's a good advice to start with
LTS version, because, you won't have to update your system).

As I said, it's just a suggestion, and a choice.

Thank you

2014-12-03 18:18 GMT+00:00 SilverLion <silverlion at>:

>  Hey Florian,
> you are talking to the PR guy now.. What's the issue with the website?
> Regards,
> Silver
> Am 03.12.2014 19:08 schrieb Florian Coste:
>  Hi,
> I have also answered in your reply !
> 2014-12-01 23:34 GMT+00:00 Israel <israeldahl at>:
>> Hi again,
>> (inline replies)
>> On 12/01/2014 04:10 PM, Florian Coste wrote:
>> > Thank you for the Microsoft fonts. I have install
>> > "lubuntu-restricted-extras" but after trying to print again this pdf,
>> > my printer give me back a white paper... In properties the pdf reader
>> > says me that the font "Arial Bold" is not a standard font, and it has
>> > been replaced by "Arial Negreta". I thought that it could print this
>> > pdf, even with a bad appareance... How can you explain this white paper
>> ?
>> I am not sure how to explain this, have you printed other things
>> successfully with this printer?
>> Also, if it is an HP printer you may need to install hplip to make
>> things easier.
>> What type of Printer are you using?
> Maybe I will report my problem in a general Ubuntu support forum (as
>, this printer has already print papers
> successfully, obviously. I think (but I may be wrong) it is this pdf who
> causes this...
> No, it's an Canon printer. I've donwload a ppa named cnijfilter (
>> > I don't know who is responsible of the lubuntu website. Don't you
>> > think that I could ask him (or them) to put foward the LTS version in
>> > the website ?
>> >
>> Yes!!  However I am not sure who runs the site.  I just hang out here
>> and answer questions because Lubuntu has a special place in my heart :)
> Maybe I could suggest it to the QA team.
>> > For the conversion between jpg file into a format file directly
>> > printable, I think that it's an heavy way to do it by Gimp... Indeed,
>> > Gimp is a graphic editor, and so too powerful for this common feature
>> > "print picture".
>> Yes it is very heavy to use to simply print a picture, you may try using
>> imagemagick's display program to print.  If there is no desktop file for
>> it you can use the one I attached
>> > I don't know Eye of Gnome, maybe I should donwload and install
>> > it.Sorry if my sentences are not good, or seem too rude, it's not my
>> > native langage. And I wanted to specify that this Lubuntu OS is used
>> > by my parents who aren't familiar with computers. I know that for
>> > them, it would seem to difficult to use Gimp in order to print a
>> > "simple picture"
>> Eye of Gnome is heavier than the default, but I do not like the default,
>> and never use it, so I cannot say why it will not print.
>> Also do not worry about your language you speak very well, and I do not
>> think you have been rude in the slightest.  Many of us are computer
>> people so we like concise to-the-point mail :)
> Yes, it was what I thought, Eye of Gnome is heavier. As computer where is
> installed Lubuntu is old, I think I shoulnd't change the file manager.
> Thank you for you comprehension ;)
>> > Actually, as I said, I use Imagemagick, by terminal, in order to
>> > convert this pictures into pdf file. And after, I print them with the
>> > pdf reader. I admit that this way is also too difficult for my parents
>> > (converting, and use pdf reader). It's why I thought develop a script
>> > in order to do that. I don't know if it's easy or not, but I will
>> > learn to do that ;)
>> > Eye of Gnome should be the easiest solution. But I don't understand if
>> > this images viewer can do that, why it's not installed by default on
>> > Lubuntu (too weight ?), and why the actual images viewer can't do
>> that...
>> >
>> Sure you can do that but I think in line with the Unix philosophy it
>> would be better to use something small that works instead
>> The desktop file I attached is for the imagemagick program called
>> display.  You can set it as the default file handler for images in the
>> file manager pcmanfm (ask if you need help)
>> Printing from it should work, but some printers need special
>> considerations to work correctly.
> In fact, I didn't understand exactly what you wanted I do with this
> configuration desktop file.... Could you explain me, please ?
>> > Thank you for your information about how report my difficulties about
>> > Gnome Player and LXDE panel. Thank you so much ;)
>> >
>> No problem, that is why we are here as a community, we all need help
>> sometimes.
>> And if you need help making a script for something don't feel bad
>> asking.  There are more than one of use that write scripts here.  And
>> there are some nice tools (like zenity) to make the script look like a
>> 'normal' program for people that do not like using a terminal.
>> And if you make a really nice program some of us might want to use it
>> for ourselves at some point :)
> Yes, of course, if I do something that works and I like, I will show you
> my script !
> As I said, I'm new user of Linux, and I've recently started to learn
> programmation (Python in majority). But, it's a good way to learn much more
> !
> I will do it ;)
> Thank you so much ;)
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