Lubuntu : One month later

SilverLion silverlion at
Wed Dec 3 18:18:37 UTC 2014

 Hey Florian, 

you are talking to the PR guy now.. What's the issue with the website? 


Am 03.12.2014 19:08 schrieb Florian Coste: 

> Hi, 
> I have also answered in your reply ! 
> 2014-12-01 23:34 GMT+00:00 Israel <israeldahl at>:
>> Hi again,
>> (inline replies)
>> On 12/01/2014 04:10 PM, Florian Coste wrote:
>>> Thank you for the Microsoft fonts. I have install
>>> "lubuntu-restricted-extras" but after trying to print again this pdf,
>>> my printer give me back a white paper... In properties the pdf reader
>>> says me that the font "Arial Bold" is not a standard font, and it has
>>> been replaced by "Arial Negreta". I thought that it could print this
>>> pdf, even with a bad appareance... How can you explain this white paper ?
>> I am not sure how to explain this, have you printed other things
>> successfully with this printer?
>> Also, if it is an HP printer you may need to install hplip to make
>> things easier.
>> What type of Printer are you using?
> Maybe I will report my problem in a general Ubuntu support forum (as, this printer has already print papers successfully, obviously. I think (but I may be wrong) it is this pdf who causes this... 
> No, it's an Canon printer. I've donwload a ppa named cnijfilter ( [1]). 
>>> I don't know who is responsible of the lubuntu website. Don't you
>>> think that I could ask him (or them) to put foward the LTS version in
>>> the website ?
>> Yes!! However I am not sure who runs the site. I just hang out here
>> and answer questions because Lubuntu has a special place in my heart :)
> Maybe I could suggest it to the QA team. 
>>> For the conversion between jpg file into a format file directly
>>> printable, I think that it's an heavy way to do it by Gimp... Indeed,
>>> Gimp is a graphic editor, and so too powerful for this common feature
>>> "print picture".
>> Yes it is very heavy to use to simply print a picture, you may try using
>> imagemagick's display program to print. If there is no desktop file for
>> it you can use the one I attached
>>> I don't know Eye of Gnome, maybe I should donwload and install
>>> it.Sorry if my sentences are not good, or seem too rude, it's not my
>>> native langage. And I wanted to specify that this Lubuntu OS is used
>>> by my parents who aren't familiar with computers. I know that for
>>> them, it would seem to difficult to use Gimp in order to print a
>>> "simple picture"
>> Eye of Gnome is heavier than the default, but I do not like the default,
>> and never use it, so I cannot say why it will not print.
>> Also do not worry about your language you speak very well, and I do not
>> think you have been rude in the slightest. Many of us are computer
>> people so we like concise to-the-point mail :)
> Yes, it was what I thought, Eye of Gnome is heavier. As computer where is installed Lubuntu is old, I think I shoulnd't change the file manager. 
> Thank you for you comprehension ;) 
>>> Actually, as I said, I use Imagemagick, by terminal, in order to
>>> convert this pictures into pdf file. And after, I print them with the
>>> pdf reader. I admit that this way is also too difficult for my parents
>>> (converting, and use pdf reader). It's why I thought develop a script
>>> in order to do that. I don't know if it's easy or not, but I will
>>> learn to do that ;)
>>> Eye of Gnome should be the easiest solution. But I don't understand if
>>> this images viewer can do that, why it's not installed by default on
>>> Lubuntu (too weight ?), and why the actual images viewer can't do that...
>> Sure you can do that but I think in line with the Unix philosophy it
>> would be better to use something small that works instead
>> The desktop file I attached is for the imagemagick program called
>> display. You can set it as the default file handler for images in the
>> file manager pcmanfm (ask if you need help)
>> Printing from it should work, but some printers need special
>> considerations to work correctly.
> In fact, I didn't understand exactly what you wanted I do with this configuration desktop file.... Could you explain me, please ? 
>>> Thank you for your information about how report my difficulties about
>>> Gnome Player and LXDE panel. Thank you so much ;)
>> No problem, that is why we are here as a community, we all need help
>> sometimes.
>> And if you need help making a script for something don't feel bad
>> asking. There are more than one of use that write scripts here. And
>> there are some nice tools (like zenity) to make the script look like a
>> 'normal' program for people that do not like using a terminal.
>> And if you make a really nice program some of us might want to use it
>> for ourselves at some point :)
> Yes, of course, if I do something that works and I like, I will show you my script ! 
> As I said, I'm new user of Linux, and I've recently started to learn programmation (Python in majority). But, it's a good way to learn much more ! 
> I will do it ;) 
> Thank you so much ;)

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