Roadmap for 14.04

Iberê Fernandes ibere.fernandes at
Sat Nov 23 13:06:55 UTC 2013

2013/11/23 David Yentzen <dbyentzen at>:
> Ibere,
>   Thank you for your response.  I did not know this about Julien, however, I
> suspected something as such. The community does seem to be self-regulating
> for the most part but perhaps some type of consensus decision making style
> Release Manager may be of benefit.
>   No, I have not, yet, read Jono Bacon's book-its on my list. I have read
> Eric Raymond's CatB and Butler Shaffer's Boundaries of Order( a study of the
> nature of human organizations and institutions).
>   But, my original query still goes unanswered( and perhaps there is no
> answer)?
> Best Regards,
> David


Thank your for the reading tips. Adding to my to-read list. :)

If you like reading, I also suggest the following paper:

Regarding Lubuntu governance:

You can read more archives by tweaking the URL:

The whole archives:

Meeting archives:

Regarding your question... well, I believe Nio has just emphasized the
"state of the art": we're kind of on our own... and we're doing our

So I thank you for your support and we're counting on you:)

Best regards,

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