Lubuntu 12.10 Release Candidate (Version October 13) - BIG Problem with Task Bar

紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna) rafaellaguna at
Sun Oct 14 15:45:36 UTC 2012

目 Sun, 14 Oct 2012 09:40:20 -0500, Sandor Ortegon <sandortegon at> 書いた:

> Hello,
> I just installed Lubuntu 12.10 using the daily build from October 13 
> (yesterday) ... and despite being happy about the release, there are 
> some problems that have appeared, compared with the Lubuntu version 
> (12.10 too) that I installed one week ago.
> *One week ago: **
> *
> - Dropbox have a tray icon with the traditional blue ... it showed 
> everything correctly (we could see preferences, last modified files, etc).
> - I installed Firetray extension in Thunderbird in order to have a tray 
> icon and it showed a generic mail icon with the right size.
> - Skype tray icon showed correctly.
> - Jupiter (for power management) showed a visible tray icon in the taskbar.
> - Spacing between tray icons from different applications was normal.
> *Now:*
> - Dropbox tray icon is monochrome, too big and now preferences and last 
> modified files cannot be seen (so there is no way to see when the sync 
> is going to end), there is no way to see the progress, despite using the 
> same version I used one week ago.
> - Firetray extension in Thunderbird for some reason shows a gigantic 
> mail icon in the task bar.
> - Jupiter shows an invisible tray icon in the task bar. The only way I 
> can assume Jupiter is there is because of the large empty space in the 
> bar that appears between two consecutive icons.
> - Spacing between tray icons is not normal.
> - Skype tray icon works incorrectly ... if I click the tray icon, it 
> closes the program!!!
> In other words, there are several problems related to the task bar, one 
> week away from Lubuntu's official release. It worked much better one 
> week ago. Is there a way to downgrade? Or there is an update coming up?
> Thanks for your attention,

I can answer a few of that:

- Dropbox. There're lots of messages arguing that the original icon was too small, or it was blue, instead of following the artwork guidelines of Lubuntu, I mean monochrome. So now it's not "too big", it's just 24 px. About its behavioour, Artwork has nothingto do here. My dropbox icon is working as usual. Did you download the package from Ubuntu repository?

- Thunderbird. Gigantic? Really? Is your panel set to 48 pixels or something? Because LXDE panel adjust their icnos to a maximum of its size. Lubuntu 12.10 shows icons in tray up to 24 px, only.

- Spacing between icons is absolutey normal. See this screenshot (last updates):

- Skype icon minimizes the app, does not closes it. It's (again) an app self behaviour. We cannot change this.

I can sure you that there wasn't any downgrade. And everything's getting polished to the release. Remember that proving some apps from outter PPAs rather than using Ubuntu ones is not a safe way of testing a distro. And we're alpha until release.


紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
Lubuntu Artwork Team

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