lubuntu artwork -- two versions?

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at
Fri Nov 16 05:53:31 UTC 2012

On 11/15/2012 09:18 PM, Hitesh Shah wrote:

> In particular, because I see both the default (lubuntu-artwork) the ppa
> (lubuntu-artwork-13-04) present in my software list do I assume that if I
> select the theme from ~/.themes I'm using plain lubuntu artwork (the one
> that comes by default with 12.10) and that if I select the theme from
> /usr/share/themes I'm using lubuntu-artwork-13-04? I suspect that that is
> the case.

This seems not to be about PPAs, but about packages and installed files.

(1) If you want to know which package a particular installed file was
installed by, use

  dpkg -S /path/to/file

For example, to see which package the file


was installed by, you can run the command

  dpkg -S /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/openbox-3/themerc

which outputs

  openbox: /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/openbox-3/themerc

So, that file was installed by the openbox package.

(2) If you want to know what files are installed by a particular
package, you can do

  dpkg -L packagename

For example, to see all the files installed by lubuntu-artwork, run the

  dpkg -L lubuntu-artwork

to output the (long) list of files installed by lubuntu-artwork.  Many
of these are under /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/ so your suspicion
about those files all being installed by lubuntu-artwork-13-04 may well
be inaccurate :)

(3) If you manually download a .deb file but have not yet installed it,
and wish to know what files it contains, try using the command

  dpkg -c packagename.deb

to output a list of the package contents.

(4) Finally, note that files within user home directories, such as
~/.themes/ by definition were not directly installed by any Ubuntu
package -- it is against Debian and Ubuntu policy for a package to
install files there.


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