[Lubuntu] How to unmount a camera from the command line?

Phill Whiteside PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 1 22:42:27 UTC 2012

Hi John,

from what you describe I think PCManFM is being maybe just a little too
eager to mount anything that arrives in a USB port. As such, I'd suggest
raising a bug against PCManFM in the first instance, it can always get
re-allocated once the dev-team have had chance to look into it.



On 1 November 2012 22:36, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com> wrote:

>  I'm trying to get a Canon Powershot G1 USB-connected camera working with remote
> capture (tethering) using either Entangle or Gtkam.
> Both apps get tripped up on the fact that Lubuntu auto-mounted the camera.
> Gtkam simply generates an error message about the camera already being in
> use.  Entangle notes the same condition and offers to unmount the camera,
> but approving that causes the program to lock up.
> Either program launches OK if I manually unmount the camera from pcmanfm
> first.
> So I'd like to launch the camera program from a script that first unmounts
> the camera.
> Post #2 in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967104 had a solution
> in the command "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2," but gvfs-mount is not installed
> by default in Lubuntu and is not available from the default repos.
> I also tried "sudo umount /home/<user>/.gvfs," which was the mount point
> suggested to me by "sudo mount."  That ran without error, but the camera
> did not seem to be truly unmounted, and both cam apps errored as before.
> What's my best solution in Lubuntu?
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