Lubuntu on the Web and translations

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Sun Jun 10 07:30:28 UTC 2012

On 10 June 2012 13:33, Ryan Gauger <rtgkid at> wrote:
> (I meant Bing Translator the second time I wrote that in my previous email.)
> On Jun 9, 2012, at 10:32 PM, Ryan Gauger <rtgkid at> wrote:
> Google Translate makes grammatical errors, up to a point where it is
> definitely possible to understand, but does not look professional. We want
> the Lubuntu website to look professional, or people may not download it
> because they may link this to the idea that Lubuntu contains errors itself.
> I suggest Bing Translator, as it does not make many (if any) grammatical
> errors. Ning Translator is made by Microsoft, so you know they are precise
> with it. Thanks!
> Ryan

The statement "so you know they are precise with it" is not backed up
by any evidence. I've used Google translate for a while now and
realise it does make some errors especially in the more difficult
languages, do you have any evidence to suggest that Bing translation
is any better than Google translation?

Does anyone else on the list have any evidence either way?


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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