[loco-contacts] Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy

Xuacu xuacusk8 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 20:13:41 UTC 2014

Dear all:

As a member of the existing Asturian LoCo Team, how comes that I'm
aware just now that we are demoted from Team to Sub-Team? Something is
really wrong if we have a policy that affects the pre-existing Teams
and we only know about it when it's in place.

Please, don't take it as our team refusing to work at all with the
Spanish Team, our relationship has been excellent and it's very likely
that in a foreseeable future it will continue this way. It's just we
have had a relationship between equals and not a subordinate one.

IMHO, this issue should have been discussed by the affected teams,
giving us a chance to have a say before this policy is in place. Now
that the cat is outside the bag... What if one Team refuses to change
its status from independent to subordinate? Will Ubuntu have "rogue"
Teams? It's not that I'm saying that something like that will happen;
it's just that it might happen.

Kind regards
Xuacu Saturio

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