[RFC] LEP#2, Local Community Teams vs. Locale Teams

YoBoY yoboy.leguesh at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:09:42 UTC 2011

I think the problem of all of our misunderstandings is we don't have one 
clear definition since the beginning of what a "LoCo team" have to take 
in charge. I can read in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto that 
: "LoCo teams are predominantly set up to do interesting things such as 
advocacy, education, support, translations or other tasks"

When I read some posts, it's like LoCo teams only have to care of 
events. Why not. But I think the first thing users want in a country is 
support, not events. If this support in their language exists somewhere 
online, provided by someone, it's fine. But in the reality, these 
support resources don't exists or are under one LoCo care.

LoCos starts what they think is the best for the users in their country. 
If it's localized support, fine. If it's events, better. Adding more 
teams to separate each activities only make it more complex to start. 
With time, teams can evolve and perhaps one day, a natural "language 
support team" will appear for their language if needed.

To talk about my LoCo Team, the French Team, like Huats said we provide 
online resource for every French people, and we organize events in 
France with success (it's easy with people in France, they love free 
software). We have erased lot of the France aspect in our websites to 
let other French LoCo Teams point to us for their support needs. In fact 
members all around the world help us on the sites. And people from other 
countries also come to help us on the Ubuntu Party in Paris sometimes. 
We are both a Local Community and a Locale team because we evolved that 
way (don't ask witch part started first nobody knows).

We are certainly not an example to follow, we evolved that way but I 
think each team have to follow its own path starting with the wiki help 
pages. The only advice I can give is do your best.



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