[RFC] LEP#2, Local Community Teams vs. Locale Teams

Chris Johnston chrisjohnston at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 19 11:30:56 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Christophe Sauthier (Huats)
<christophe.sauthier at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Yes Ubuntu-fr is present in many countries since we have a huge
> collection of documentation pages and our forum is very active. So
> naturally people are present all over the world, because so many
> resources attracts people... A kind of snowball effect.
> So I would say that the websites and the IRC activiites runned by
> ubuntu-fr are covering all countries. But I am sure that anybody will
> agree with me on saying that it is the purpose of Internet.
> On another side, ubuntu-fr is not covering  IRL events in many corner
> of the world. We are focussing on France (and are doing collaboration
> event with border-side LoCos from time to time). So no ubuntu-fr is
> not covering all countries that speak french.

Ok.. So.. Instead of just having this stuff run by Ubuntu France, run
it by anyone and any teams that speak French from around the world,
with Ubuntu France continuing to participate, and even continue to
lead the charge. However, when it comes to LoCo Directory, and the
Local Community Team, someone in Canada probably won't be attending
your 11.10 release party, so why should they be a part of the local
(geography) team. They shouldn't. They should be a part of the locale
(language) team.

> Sharing is already what we have try to do in the Past. I have
> souvenirs of such idea with some french speaking locos with who we
> decided to join forces and to link they forum to our...But the
> realisation is REALLY painful and honnestly it is not doable...

I think that this is suggesting that because there may now be many
French speaking LoCo teams, Canonical would do the sharing (when the
other French speaking teams become approved). [Paul wrote this part]

> Regarding your proposal, by instance for ubuntu-language-fr for the
> super team and ubuntu-fr for our traditionnal LoCo, how / where do you
> imagine the organisation of the super team ? only on the loco
> directory ?  Because honnestly I can't imagine moving all our
> infrastructure of forums and IRC (even if the latter would be simpler)
> to that.

The organization would be done in the same way that the News Team, the
Community Web Team, the Beginners Team, Bug Control and tons of other
teams do. It would be possible to use one of the LoCo Teams to
establish the meeting on the LoCo Team Directory, or, at some point
the developers of the LoCo Team Directory do wish to create a Global
Directory, which could do this, however I am yet to convince YoBoY to
learn python, and I don't have time time.

> Do you plan to do the same for all language including english ? and by
> instance to have ubuntu-language-en that will share all the support
> activities for english ? It is just a question not trying to find weak
> points.

The English language is somewhat already setup for this. #ubuntu is
used for support, and supported by many English speaking people, who I
can only imagine some of them are part of LoCo Teams. Setting up
ubuntu-language-en would just be creating a team for something that is
already done without any team being created. But the Florida team
doesn't have it's own support channel (though we will do support in
the channel when needed, as I think anyone would), but we normally use
#ubuntu for support.

> Regarding that I would be in favor of putting that super team in the
> LoCo directory so that it would be simpler for a newcomer to discover
> the various teams, but not to apply  it to the other ressources. And
> by the way I think it is a good idea...

The language teams will not go into LoCo Directory as they do not fit
into the Local (geographical) community. The French team and the
Quebec team would be in the LoCo Directory as they are Local Teams.


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