New Ubuntu Website Theme

Thanos Lefteris alefteris at
Fri Mar 5 16:02:49 GMT 2010

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Michael Lustfield
<mtecknology at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm sure you've all become aware that Canonical will be rolling out a
> completely different theme [1]. Some of these changes will be a move
> from brown to orange and aimed at a much cleaner layout and navigation.
> After talking to the ubuntu-website team about this I've basically come
> to the conclusion that the existing ubuntu-drupal theme will need to
> change but in a different direction.
> I want our general theme concept to reflect their change. A big focus
> will be on their navigation which I would like to take into the theme.
> One thing I want to focus on for this new theme is the way the content
> is laid out. Obviously (after being reminded) Ubuntu is for selling
> Ubuntu and our LoCo sites are for supporting a community. I want to
> focus this on being useful for a LoCo, not just making an ubuntu
> website clone.
> I would like to hear the opinions of every single person out there for
> ideas that they would like to see in this new theme.
> I've been asked about a timeline for this new theme. All I can really
> say is that Canonical needs to first release the new Ubuntu theme; I
> need to get input from everyone about the changes that should happen;
> then we can get started of building it.
> Again, I want opinions from every person out there about what this new
> theme should be. Please and Thanks. :)
> [1]
> - --
> Michael Lustfield
> Kalliki Software
> Network and Systems Administrator
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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> =FeVJ
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at

Just a wish, please don't tailor the theme to a specific layout.
Instead allow teams to pick what layout fits them. So I would like the
theme layout options to be flexible. Fox example a theme with optional
side blocks together with the panel module can give endless
possibilities for creating a layout. If the zen theme was used a a
base with that would also be nice. See for example the zen subtheme at . Also it would be important for loco teams to
have marketing materials, such as stock images, new logos (with
sources), the new font etc sometime ahead of the release, so that they
have time to ready their sites for the lucid release.

Θάνος Λευτέρης

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