LoCo tools, development

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Tue May 27 14:59:56 BST 2008

You've managed to get me annoyed, not good Mr East.

Are you seriously suggesting that you know  better for our LoCo team
here than we do? I find it offensive that anyone could have the
authority to dictate what each individual LoCo group should use or
should work on. As I said in a previous email, nothing said here will
stop me making useful tools for my own team.

Now I disagree on weather the wiki system is good enough for events,
for organising resources, notifying mailing lists, calendaring,
scheduling, karma raising, taking minutes in meetings or even keeping
up to date on a regular basis. I don't want my team to be spending
half it's time updating the wiki. Maybe other teams haven't reached
this point yet, after a certain size it's difficult to manage
everything through plain text, everyone has full time jobs they can't
be having with the messing involved with the wiki.

I'll have nothing said against the mailing list, the forums or irc.
they serve us all well. Although I was admiring ubuntu-th irc bot for
notifying people about forum posts.

I won't go into further details unless it's with people who are
actually interested in helping. Otherwise I'd be wasting my keyboard

Regards, Martin

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