LoCo tools, development

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Tue May 27 15:21:53 BST 2008


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you seriously suggesting that you know  better for our LoCo team
> here than we do? I find it offensive that anyone could have the
> authority to dictate what each individual LoCo group should use or
> should work on. As I said in a previous email, nothing said here will
> stop me making useful tools for my own team.

No, that's not at all the point I'm making. Your initial email seemed
to me to be an invitation to other local group contacts to comment on
a proposal involving sharing of ideas and initiatives between local
teams. My response was only directed at that, and was in no way
intended to dictate what a particular local team should do with its
resources (although of course, it's helpful if local teams do certain
things in the same way, that's why we have a few guidelines here -
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams - those aren't intended to limit
teams, but just to ensure that the community as a whole works in a
cohesive way).

> I won't go into further details unless it's with people who are
> actually interested in helping. Otherwise I'd be wasting my keyboard
> paint.

I think that's a shame. If your idea is about a tool for sharing
resources between teams, it's important that such tools get thought
through by the community first, so that when we move, we do so as a
community and not just as individual units. That's why I suggested
that you explain further what sort of things you had in mind building,
and what sort of collaboration they would encourage which can't
currently be done with our existing infrastructure.

To be fair, I don't think that's unreasonable in circumstances where
you openly invited further discussion with your initial post!

Matthew East
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