LoCo tools, development

Joshua Chase joshua.d.chase at gmail.com
Tue May 27 14:19:32 BST 2008

   I agree with what you are saying. I suppose what these other ideas and
initiatives are, is an addition to the current core communication methods,
not a replacement. I agree that the consistency should be there across the
board for all forms of communication for each LoCo, but I do see room for
improvement in the areas of enhancing the avenues of drawing more people in
through these other "forward thought" mentioned concepts.

I just want people to see Linux and specifically "Ubuntu" as the "Mac book
air" of computing for people who want to be freed in their computing
experiences. One way to capture that is through video content, commercials,
ads, and other forms of catchy marketing. All in all, that is how I see
these ideas being implemented, as more as a marketing tool, rather than a
LoCo communication replacement.

Kind Regards,
Joshua Chase

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Matthew East <mdke at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Joshua,
> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Joshua Chase <joshua.d.chase at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I think using methods like updated platforms, viral videos, podcasting,
> > streaming content about the community will make us be more attractive and
> > will make people get the feeling that they want to be a part of this team
> > and community.
> I can see and understand your enthusiasm here. I think that it's true
> that initiatives like that will continue to be important for
> attracting users and contributors.
> Having said that, I don't think it follows from this that it is useful
> for local teams to depart from the existing methods of communication
> and organisation in the Ubuntu community. Until the whole community
> takes the step that the wiki ceases to be the central place for
> organisation and mailing lists the central place for communication,
> local teams shouldn't work any differently.
> That doesn't mean that there can't be initiatives outside those
> resources in relation to different types of collaboration or marketing
> (for example the marketing team currently has an open thread in
> relation to such a project for local teams), but my view is just that
> core communication and organisation should be the same throughout the
> community.
> That's why I invited Martin to give some more details and explain further.
> --
> Matthew East
> http://www.mdke.org
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
> --
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Joshua Chase
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