I need help on FOSS Alternatives in Ubuntu

Gnukulam gnukulam at gmail.com
Sun May 25 08:20:46 BST 2008

Dear friends

I am currently the Team leads of the Tamil teams, We have conducts some
pocket training for the administrator , teachers, lecturers to introduces
the Ubuntu.

Its around 30 peoples were get the introduction to the Ubuntu and FOSS on
the last couple of week. I am really happy to seeing theire  interests in
the Ubuntu, specially we have thanks the Wubi team because it gave the
easiest eneternce to the new Foss guiys.

During that training the new users requesting the alternatives for very
specifics task on their day to day jobs.
Lecturers asked: *
1. Statistical packages alternatives
     eg : in Windows :- SPSS, SAS, Minitab like Softwares,
Because Our University has conducting the Statistics subjects needs those
kind of Packages.

*media radio bradcasting and TV telecasting peoples:*
2. They are using some properietary SW for broadcasting, I seen peercasts or
some thing on the Ubuntu wiki search.

Therefore, Any body help me to solves these types of needs from the new

Thanks regards,
Abdul Haleem

S.L. Abdul Haleem
Faculty Of Applied Sciences
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Blog : http://ahaleemsl.blogspot.com/
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