Everyone! LoCo Team Reports

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Jan 31 10:22:46 GMT 2008

On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 11:16:37AM +0100, Julius Bloch wrote:
> A Wikipage is for me no communication, it is documentation.

I'm not going to get into a pointless argument about the semantics of the 
word communication. Fact is that a web page (whether it is a wiki or not) 
communicates information. Whether that be documentation, meeting minutes or 
how-tos, it's a _form_ of communication.

> > There has been a lot of critisism in the past about the lack of 
> > communication from Canonical / CC to LoCos, and vice versa. This reporting 
> > system helps to address that issue. 
> A Wikipage doesn't solve that problem.

I never said it solves anything. I said it "helps to address that issue". It 
_contributes_ to resolving the issue of lack of communication.

> I personal think that we should use the communication structer we have
> bevor we start something new.

Exactly what communication structure is there for me to find out what all 
the other LoCos are doing each month? How can I find out what the kernel 
team are up to? How can I do that without wasting lots of _my_ time trawling 
through irc meeting log pages for all those teams?

A 5 line summary of what each team has done, aggregated on one page seems 
easy to me. Please, what other options do you propose that don't place 
massive load on those people seeking out information?


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