Everyone! LoCo Team Reports

Julius Bloch juliux at ubuntu-de.org
Thu Jan 31 10:16:37 GMT 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2008, 09:32 +0000 schrieb Alan Pope:

> Whereas I can see a significant benefit. Communication. 

A Wikipage is for me no communication, it is documentation.

> There has been a lot of critisism in the past about the lack of 
> communication from Canonical / CC to LoCos, and vice versa. This reporting 
> system helps to address that issue. 

A Wikipage doesn't solve that problem.
If you remeber we had a few weeks the mail from Yann that Canonical will
have booth in france at a linux expo.
We had the same issue in germany. The germany LoCoTeam adds all his
events to the ConferenceAppearances[0] wikipage. So it was well
documented. But there was no adavantage for us. From Canonical side was
no communitcation about there booth.

So I think that a LoCoTeam Report wikipage doesn't solve the lack of
communication between LocoTeams and Canonical.
Same for communication between LoCoTeams. There is allready this
mailingliste, the irc channel and a wiki. But most communication goes
between single members of different LocoTeams. 

I personal think that we should use the communication structer we have
bevor we start something new.


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