US Teams Mentoring Project IRC Metting

Neal McBurnett neal at
Thu Sep 13 15:02:59 BST 2007

On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 02:55:39PM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> This is what I'm going after.  There will be #ubuntu-us-discussion for
> open chat on the current topics being discussed in #ubuntu-us.  An eye
> or two or three will be kept in that room, in case certain points should
> be brought up to the -us channel.  Keeping it moderated in -us will
> allow the person with their concern to voice it with little or no noise.
>  This is such a hot topic that I'm trying to minimize the heat from
> getting out of control.  And yes, this topic is already out of control.
>  If some CC could be present, that would be much appreciated.

Here's my $0.02 :-)

I think it will be more difficult to pay attention and hear what is
going on if we have two channels than if we just have one channel.  It
also helps get people invested in the process, and helps us build a
community of mutual respect, when we allow folks to be heard without
extra bureaucracy and moderation.  So I also suggest we go with one
channel and rely on the Code of Conduct and good facilitation to avoid
unhelpful input.

If things get out of hand, moderation can be used.

I think the most helpful thing would be clear writeups beforehand from
folks who have input, with documentation and references to specific
problems or concerns and examples of how others handle these sorts of


Neal McBurnett       

> Thanks,
>                        _
> Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>   X
>                       / \
> Chuck Frain wrote:
> > The idea of a moderated chat I think is acceptable. There will be the
> > 'free-for-all' side chat going at the same time.
> > 
> > If this were the decision time I would argue for an open free chat. However
> > this seems more to get the basic framework of views out there and
> > discussed.  In any town hall type meeting I've been involved with it is
> > typically a committee hearing the views of one person at a time.
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