US Teams Mentoring Project IRC Metting

Martin Owens doctormo at
Thu Sep 13 15:37:20 BST 2007

Dear Ubuntu Local Community Contacts,

I've been following this thread and have carefully considered weather
I should put forward my position and I have decided to do so in all
good faith that this email is NOT a troll nor do I expect to be
attacking any specific persons or groups and nothing should be taken
to mean such a thing... now for the email:

> I think it will be more difficult to pay attention and hear what is
> going on if we have two channels than if we just have one channel.  It
> also helps get people invested in the process, and helps us build a
> community of mutual respect, when we allow folks to be heard without
> extra bureaucracy and moderation.  So I also suggest we go with one
> channel and rely on the Code of Conduct and good facilitation to avoid
> unhelpful input.

I think the level of moderation and bureaucracy in the ubuntu-us
mentor group is worrying, there are two possibilities that this points
to both of which are bad; 1) The moderators do not trust the ubuntu
LoCo team members to behave 2) The moderators believe themselves to be
privileged and above others in a non mutual respect. I have no proof
of either of these situations but anecdotal evidence is mounting
towards the latter.

> If things get out of hand, moderation can be used.

I believe organisation and moderation are one of those light touch
ideas, you stand back and give members as much autonomy as possible,
keeping an eye on things and making sure no one is being unfair or
hurtful. Being in such an important position burdens one with the
responsibility to be respectful and above reproach in attitude and

As such I will bring up at the meeting the problem with over
moderation and administration that is seemingly at odds with the
mutual respect community that FOSS and ubuntu want to cultivate.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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