how we can help

João Cruz jalrnc at
Wed Aug 10 07:54:53 CDT 2005


The conference pack would be very welcome. In terms of priorities I think 
the banner is a great idea and it would help make a stronger presence in a 
conference, event, etc. As for the rest, of course it would be nice to have, 
but you will want to make good use of your resources. The most powerful tool 
is by far the CD packs, specially in areas in which access to technology, 
net, etc is more difficult. CDs should be way less expensive than t-shirts 
and probably more useful at least to whoever is interested in using or 
trying out Ubuntu. But t-shirts might be a good thing for whoever is 
involved in advocacy, the conference organizers, the locoteams, etc, as they 
will definitely get some attention. Stickers or pamphlets would also be 
useful when the stock of CDs is limited and so people can at least have some 
information on it, where to get it online, how to get involved, etc.

Thanks for the great distro and amazing support! This is really impressive 
and unique if we compare it to what other distributions are doing.



On 8/8/05, Jane Silber <jane.silber at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We at Canonical are going to put a program in place to help out the
> various LoCo teams. What we are thinking of is having a "conference
> pack" that gets sent to each LoCo team that would include a banner,
> maybe some t-shirts, and maybe some other small give-aways for
> conferences (e.g., stickers). What else would you like to see us
> provide? (remember we can't do everything, so some rough consensus on
> priorities would be helpful)
> I'm not sure yet how we will work the logistics of this - e.g., if we
> sent out a pack once a year (for example) or if you ask us for stuff for
> each conference. If we send to the contact person of each team, can you
> then distribute and track within your group (e.g., the banner will
> likely be a high quality, reusable one so someone needs to track it).
> Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
> We are also trying to sort out a solution to providing servers for
> webhosting for each LoCo team. Will keep you posted on that.
> Cheers,
> Jane
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at
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