how we can help

Logiotatidis Giorgos seadog at
Wed Aug 10 13:16:47 CDT 2005

	Conference packs are a really good idea. As others already mentioned
cds with designs in original formats could be helpful to reproduce
stuff, just for copies or to translate stuff in local language. 

	Ubuntu banners should be top priorities. 
	Small flyers introducing ppl to ubuntu should be a top also. Just a
couple of paragraphs (written in local language even better!) and a
screen shot it's better than just a cd. 
	Some 100's of cd's (according to every loco needs) should be send to
loco teams, to redistrubute in their locations / countries. I know a
couple of ppl not happy with shipit. The custom house must have locked
their package. We can avoid this. You should also consider sending dvds,
as many internet users in many countries are on dialup :( 
	Tshirt's are nice, stickers is a must. (You could even make some ubuntu
refrigerator magnets :)


Greek Team	

Στις 08-08-2005, ημέρα Δευ, και ώρα 10:31 +0100, ο/η Jane Silber έγραψε:
> Hi all,
> We at Canonical are going to put a program in place to help out the
> various LoCo teams.  What we are thinking of is having a "conference
> pack" that gets sent to each LoCo team that would include a banner,
> maybe some t-shirts, and maybe some other small give-aways for
> conferences (e.g., stickers). What else would you like to see us
> provide?  (remember we can't do everything, so some rough consensus on
> priorities would be helpful)
> I'm not sure yet how we will work the logistics of this - e.g., if we
> sent out a pack once a year (for example) or if you ask us for stuff for
> each conference.  If we send to the contact person of each team, can you
> then distribute and track within your group (e.g., the banner will
> likely be a high quality, reusable one so someone needs to track it). 
> Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
> We are also trying to sort out a solution to providing servers for
> webhosting for each LoCo team. Will keep you posted on that.
> Cheers,
> Jane

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