Desktop Weather

Richard Barmann reb at
Mon Apr 4 02:22:34 UTC 2016

On 04/04/2016 02:36 AM, Doug wrote:
> On 04/03/2016 06:19 PM, Richard Barmann wrote:
>> On 04/03/2016 07:03 PM, bmarsh at wrote:
>>> I have it running on 16.04.      Put in your town. Or find the code 
>>> for your local airport.
>>>> On Apr 3, 2016, at 6:41 PM, Richard Barmann <reb at> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I have Kubuntu 16.04 running and I really like it. I am trying to 
>>>> set up the Widget for desktop weather. Can I do that or should I 
>>>> wait until the release? What would be the recommended weather to use?
>>>> Thanks for all the help. I learned a lot from this forum. If only I 
>>>> can remember it.
>>>> Dick Barmann
>>>> -- 
>>>> kubuntu-users mailing list
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>>> When I go to the colunm of Widgets below "Newpaper" and go to the 
>>> bottom Im double click on the weather. I get a small square with a 
>>> Red square with an X in it. Thats as far as I get. I do get the drop 
>>> down to Add Widgets/Activities/Leave etc.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Dick Barma
> I like the app from the National Weather Service. There seems to be a 
> version for every place there's a weather station, like an airport. 
> I'm on Long Island,
> and only a few miles from the Brookhaven airport, which is rather 
> small, but has its own weather station. I narrowed down the location, 
> and made an icon
> (or widget--I think it's an icon in my system) on the screen. Here's 
> the version that I use:
> You should be able to find one not far from wherever you are, as long 
> as you're in the United States.
> --doug
> I went to that site and pulled up the weather 3 miles from my house. 
> BUT I have no idea how to make a widget or use it with the weather 
> Widget I have.
Dick Barmann

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