Plasma anyone?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Mar 30 17:46:22 UTC 2015

On 03/30/2015 11:24 AM, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Monday, March 30, 2015 10:48:32 AM Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On 03/30/2015 06:44 AM, Dale Trombley wrote:
>>> Right click desktop. Folder view options. Check that it points to your
>>> desktop folder.
>> I did the right click....  Do not see anything dealing with folder
>> options....
> If one has the default 'Desktop' layout (not the classic, 'Folder View'), one
> would see "Desktop Settings" on a right click. "Folder Settings" would appear
> if one uses that, with a right-click. This is the same in KDE4 and Plasma 5.
> What specific things are   you unable to  locate?

Oh, I can locate anything but usually in a CLI window...    I was just 
upset at the total "RESET" on the desktop with 15.10 which left me with 
no icons and having to deal with the many clicks through the main menu.

Slowly getting things sorted out...  but a lot of things aren't 
working....    I used to be able to Alt-Tab my way through the running 
applications and windows...  but either they have changed a lot of 
things or it is not working right.   Haven't found the right combination 
of settings to make it work like it used to.

>>> On Mar 30, 2015 6:03 AM, "Sid Boyce" <sboyce at
>>> <mailto:sboyce at>> wrote:
>>>      I upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04.

"Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience."

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