spamd problem

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Jan 4 04:31:23 UTC 2015

I've got wheezy running.

But it apperas some option has been changed, using the identical scripts I 
was using on 10.04 LTS, my procmail log is now showing:

Jan  3 23:18:14 coyote spamc[10096]: connect to spamd on failed, 
retrying (#1 of 3): Connection refused
Jan  3 23:18:15 coyote spamc[10096]: connect to spamd on failed, 
retrying (#2 of 3): Connection refused
Jan  3 23:18:16 coyote spamc[10096]: connect to spamd on failed, 
retrying (#3 of 3): Connection refused
Jan  3 23:18:17 coyote spamc[10096]: connection attempt to spamd aborted 
after 3 retries

And I have no clue what that is really trying to tell me.

The .procmailrc recipe for it is:

* < 50000
* !^List-Id: .*(spamassassin\.apache.\org)
  :0 fw: spamassassin.lock
  | /usr/bin/spamc -x -t 150 -u gene

I could use a clue here.

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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