blank panel and no right-click menu

David Lang david at
Wed Dec 16 04:13:50 UTC 2015

I tried again, deleting things from ~/config/plasma while I was logged out of 
KDE (logging in via the text console) and that seems to have fixed it.

I would still like to learn how to track down the cause of the two errors below 
(unversioned plugin and containment issues)

David Lang

On Mon, 14 Dec 2015, David Lang wrote:

> This morning when I plugged my laptop into my office monitors, it didn't 
> detect them and start using them (not unusual), I ran systemsettings5 to 
> reconfigure the monitors and they showed up, except that the panel ended up 
> on the wrong monitor, and no matter what option I picked, it wouldn't move to 
> the correct one.
> So I updated everything and rebooted, but after the reboot I can't get the 
> panel to show anything, and I can't get the right-click menu on the 
> background to come up.
> I did a lot of googling, deleted ~/.cache, ~/.config/plasma* ~/.config/k*, 
> rebooted many times with no success.
> alt+f2 does bring up the ability to run apps/programs, and the system works 
> well otherwise.
> starting plasmashell manually gives me:
> $ plasmashell
> kscreen: launcherDataAvailable: "org.kde.KScreen.Backend.XRandR"
> kscreen: Launcher finished with exit code 1 , status 0
> kscreen: Service for requested backend already running
> kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 99 , Name: "eDP1" ) 
> ( "eDP1" ) to KScreen::Output(Id: 99 , Name: "eDP1" ) ( "eDP1" )
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability
> Containment graphic object not valid
> Containment graphic object not valid
> Containment graphic object not valid
> kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 99 , Name: "eDP1" ) 
> ( "eDP1" ) to KScreen::Output(Id: 99 , Name: "eDP1" ) ( "eDP1" )
> Containment graphic object not valid
> how can I fix this?
> David Lang

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