Kubuntu backports or CI

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 03:34:40 UTC 2015

On 02/12/2015 15:20, Martin van Es wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Kubuntu for a very long time now and was always happy to
> find freshly baked binaries that followed KDE development at a close
> pace in backports. Lately it seems kde-backports did not (yet) catch up
> on KDE's release of e.g. Frameworks 5.16.0 or Applications 15.08.3?
> The main reason for using Kubuntu was the ease of debian package
> management and the ease of upgrading when KDE released new versions.
> Is the lack of backports to Wily collateral damage of the Jonathan
> Ridell stepping down? Or, do I need to look closer at CI?
> If so, I find the CI documentation a bit rough on the edges, since the
> only wiki page I find:
> https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs#Kubuntu_Continuous_Integration_.28CI.29
> mentions Weekly Snapshot, Daily Snapshot and Live but the PPA's they
> point to are either empty or contain packages built against git
> versions, while I am looking for stable release builds (fka backports).
> Can anybody shed some light on this backports/update spaghetti and tell
> me if there are plans to get backports back to what it used to be or
> where to start with CI? Is there a CI setup, that resembles what I
> experienced using backports?
> Best regards,
> Martin
> -- 
> If 'but' was any useful, it would be a logic operator

For all I know this lady is in charge of the backports ppa:

and from what I can see she is hard at work trying to keep up.

all the best,

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