[14.04 64Bit] - Can I Encrypt NTFS HDD And It will Work On Dual-Boot Desktop?

Jesse Palser jessepalsermailinglists at gmail.com
Thu May 1 14:34:06 UTC 2014


Thank you very much for the information.
I'll look at this "truecrypt" application later today.

My only other question is can I encrypt a hard drive with data on it?
or I have to 1st encrypt a blank hard drive and then put the data back 
onto it?



On 05/01/2014 10:24 AM, Matthew Cliffe wrote:
> Hi ill attempt to answer this ( I may be wrong, it has been known to 
> happen). I think it depends upon how you encrypt, you could achieve 
> what you are attempting to do by using a program such as truecrypt (?) 
> which you will have to install on both the linux and windows machine.
> Hope this helped
> FYI - http://www.truecrypt.org/faq
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Jesse Palser 
> <jessepalsermailinglists at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jessepalsermailinglists at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     [14.04 64Bit] - Can I Encrypt NTFS HDD And It will Work On
>     Dual-Boot Desktop?
>     Hi,
>     I use both Kubuntu 14.04 64Bit & Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64Bit
>     on same desktop.
>     I want to encrypt my 1TB data HDD which is NTFS so it can be
>     used(read/write) from both O.S.'s
>     Is the above possible, if yes then what program do I use on
>     Kubuntu 14.04 64Bit to do it?
>     (I use Kubuntu 14.04 64Bit most of the time and only boot Windows
>     8.1 Pro 64Bit for testing software)
>     Thank you in advance for your help...
>     Jesse
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> -- 
> Matthew Cliffe
> Daresbury Tel: (+44)01925864332
> Email: matthew.cliffe at stfc.ac.uk <mailto:matthew.cliffe at stfc.ac.uk>
> The Cockcroft Institute
> Daresbury Laboratory
> Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus
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> WA4 4AD
> Photon Physics Research Group
> The University of Manchester
> Room 2.323 Alan Turing Building
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> M13 9PL

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