Still 100% CPU when using Kontact.

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sat Sep 21 11:29:26 UTC 2013

On 21/09/2013 10:41, Bas G. Roufs wrote:
> Hello Ole-Erik, Sinclair and Everybody,
>> What version of Kubuntu and KDE are you using? When I upgraded to 4.11.1 I
>> got lots of problems with search/nepomuk in both KDEPIM and on the desktop.
>> I had to revert to 4.10.5 to get things working again.
> Good that you tell this, Sinclair. I work with Kubuntu 13.04 along with KDE
> 4.10.5. I have no 'backports'  open - taking into account your bad experience,
> I keep them closed for the time being.
> As an experiment, I have given the system to chance to file-index the whole
> night. This has worked - I am writing now this mail via Kontact, while the
> CPU usage is varying between 30 and 90 % - most of the time, the usage is
> about 50% now. Only at some short moments, the CPU peaks at 100%. All this is
> OK anyway. However it may be - when closing and restarting the system, I will
> have the same problem again: I will need to let the system file index and
> updating e-mails for probably 15-30 minutes before being able to work with
> Kontact.
>> As end user I changed to Google calendar for me and my family, after having
>> had to use risky Outlook (and Explorer!) for a generation at my employer.
>> That was after having tried to use Kontact for a period.
> I recognise this experience. I also have been using Windows and Outlook from
> the late eighties until 2007. The experience with that stuff became worse and
> worse..... Now, I am using Google Calendar together with Kontact. During about
> 2 years, this combination has worked quite well. However, I am experiencing
> some permission problems right now - I have written about it yesterday in
> another mail to this forum. At this moment, the Google calendar does not show
> up at all in the Kontact Kalendar.

When I get stuck in "nepomuk virtuoso ate my CPU" I "normally" (it has 
not happened that often lately) rename the .kde/share/apps/nepomuk 
folder and reboot. Then it WILL go mad for a while recreating the 
database but will then normalise CPU usage

Best of luck,

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