multiple desktops with icons

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Oct 24 20:04:18 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Daniel Hollocher wrote:

> So I'm brand new to kde.  I'm giving it a try because I want to have
> different icon sets on different workspaces (ie, a task oriented
> setup). So, when I first started up, I looked for the setting here:
>   but couldn't find it.

I can't help with this part since all I've managed to do is lose all
my icons each time I tried it, so hopefully someone else will jump in
and help with it. (:
> I also noticed that my icons on the desktop were missing.  BUT,
> then I noticed there was a  window with my icons  in it.  I tried
> to drag it to the corner, and make it bigger to take up the whole
> desktop, but then it disappeared, and now my icons are missing.
> I've noticed the Activities feature, which looks like what I might
> want, but I can't figure out how to get icons on the desktop.

You can try this to see if it works:

1) Left-click the Activities toolbox in the upper right corner of the
2) Look at the menu that opens.
3) If you see a Desktop Settings entry, left-click it to open the
Desktop Settings window.
4) If you see an Unlock Widgets button at the top of the window,
left-click it so that you can make changes. If you don't see one, go
to the next step.
5) Left-click the Desktop selector next to Layout to open a menu of
layout choices.
6) Left-click Folder View in the menu to choose it.
7) Left-click the Apply button.
8) Left-click the OK button.
9) If you didn't need to click the Unlock Widgets button in step 4,
then you're done. If you clicked the Unlock Widgets button in step 4,
then right-click your panel at the bottom of your desktop to open its
menu, hover your mouse over Panel Options to display its sub-menu, and
left-click Lock Widgets to lock them again.

If all went well, your icons should now be on your desktop. I hope
that's what you wanted. If it's not, then follow those steps again,
but replace Desktop with Folder View and replace Folder View with
Desktop when following them to put everything back the way it was
before you began.
> PS - a few other issues:
> I tried to change the default browser to chrome, but the menu still
> just opens Rekonq

Which menu still opens Rekonq? Also, is there an entry for Chrome in
the Internet sub-menu of the K menu?

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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