Kubuntu 13.10 is released

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 12:06:53 UTC 2013

High all,

is waiting until the worst 13.10-bugs are being fixed, and then upgrading,
the solution?
I do the daily life with 12.04 (for stability reason), and as second boot
option I have 13.04 and soon 13.10.
This way it is no problem if not everything is working perfectly within a
week of the 13.10-release.

नमस्ते (Namasté),


" Can't talk to you without talking to me; we're guilty of the same old
        Thinking a lot about less and less, and forgetting the Love we
bring "
                                     [Grateful Dead, in: 'Althea']

www.santodaime.nl     www.jozefrulof-boeken.nl      OS: Kubuntu 12.04
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