Kubuntu 13.10 is released
A.J. Bonnema
gbonnema at xs4all.nl
Sat Oct 19 15:55:23 UTC 2013
On 19/10/13 14:06, Ulrich Grün wrote:
> High all,
> is waiting until the worst 13.10-bugs are being fixed, and then
> upgrading, the solution?
> I do the daily life with 12.04 (for stability reason), and as second
> boot option I have 13.04 and soon 13.10.
> This way it is no problem if not everything is working perfectly
> within a week of the 13.10-release.
> --
> नमस्ते (Namasté),
> Ulrich
Hey Ulrich, thats a reasonably simple solution, and I think Ubuntu keeps
as many kernels as you want.
Fedora keeps only a few (I think 3 or so).
The caveat is, that as the kernel/releases progress, the utils will no
longer fit the old kernels. Not sure how fast that occurs, but something
to watch out for, if you start getting weird responses from the kernel.
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