Fresh install Kubuntu 13.10: how best to partition the HD

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Tue Nov 26 18:10:55 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-26 17:18 (GMT+0100) A.J. Bonnema composed:



> Good to hear you have a different solution. But it is not the same thing.
> Linux lets you choose: MBR or partition. It is not Linux that chooses:
> its you.

I wrote Linux installer, meaning Linux distro installer. Linux is a kernel. 
The kernel has nothing to do with specifying bootloader location at 
installation time.

> Linux integrates Windows or any other OS into the grub install, whether
> on MBR or not. Windows trashes, doesn't care, will not integrate.

It may not integrate, but neither does it trash if if finds MBR code that the 
vendor installed on it during manufacture.

OTOH, all Linux distro installers I've used:

1-default to installing on MBR (which means trashing standard PC BIOS 
compatible MBR code), while most make how to install to other than MBR a pain 
to discover, and all the while knowing that reinstalling Windows will restore 
MBR code to as it left the factory state, making Linux unstartable until 

2-get integration wrong when other OSes are not Windows (labels both DOS and 
OS/2 installations "Windows", and creates OS/2 stanzas that don't work)

3-mount FAT partitions on systems absent Windows as VFAT (instead of MSDOS, 
strict 8.3 filenaming), which at least potentially breaks DOS and/or OS/2.

4-create FSTAB entries that mislabel HPFS partitions as NTFS, again, creating 
no less than a potential for filesystem corruption, besides access failure
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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