Fresh install Kubuntu 13.10: how best to partition the HD

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Thu Nov 7 07:10:23 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-07 17:12 (GMT+1100) Basil Chupin composed:

> My suggestion was to create one 30GB partition for W7 which will do away
> with the need for a C partition and therefore contain *all* the space
> that W7 will require to install itself (and then some [space] for future
> use).

> Is this so difficult to understand and accept?

You made a suggestion. I made a suggestion. Is this difficult to understand 
and accept? KISS is fine, but knowledge of its consequences shouldn't be 
summarily dismissed. My suggestion points out how the fastest part of a HD 
might be better put to use than to allocate it to a secondary operating system.

> What you fail to understand and appreciate is that there are any number
> of people reading this thread who may be totally inexperienced and
> otherwise known as "newbies".

I do no such thing, and I'm authoring comments for thread participants, not 
mere observers.

> Have YOU asked him in this thread what his experience is? No.

Did I need to? I've read the thread in its entirety at least as far back as 
his post archived at and 
so far haven't seen indication I need to. When he complains about too much 
information is time enough to adjust. If he's like most, he can ignore excess 
more easily than discover what's been omitted that might be relevant, helpful 
or possibly crucial to an optimal decision how best to proceed.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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